Friday, January 06, 2006

Fight the system

In a previous post I had some thoughts about if we ever will be able to look outside the universe. Or if a simulated intelligence, in a virtual environment, ever will be aware of CPUs and circuitry.
Well it sure seems like a hard thing to do.

So how about relationships? Aren’t relationships like other systems? If so, they seem, on a higher level, above the physics rendering us, to be based on emotions, feelings and needs.
Is that why it’s so hard to change things in relationships - because you can’t see the system from above? Even when great effort is put into renewal, you still go by the old rules?
But let’s have a look into the really small systems.

According to quantum theory, it is impossible in principle to measure both the position and momentum of an object to within a certain degree of precision at the same time. Because if you do, you will alter it.
Great! That’s probably what your counselor will tell you too: alter it! Break free from the system of every day. Put something new into it. Go on a trip or something.
It seems that everything really is tied together somehow, doesn’t it? From the smallest to the largest. And isn’t that what scientists all over the world is looking for – the theory of everything. String theory? Well, Try one if you like…

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